
Posts Tagged ‘constitution’

We are familiar with constitutional rights and duties, and the different laws that the constitution says we should abide to. It seems like our constitution tells  us about what we can do, and what we should do, but interestingly no where in the world , a constitution tells us how to do, and when to do. The last question belongs to a little known area which is though the most illuminated,by the human wisdom, the area called values.

Values control the behaviour of a man in day to day life. It is the value system of a man which affects his decision making in a particular situation. Many collapse in a tough situation,but few actually sail through them. The difference lies in their value system. These are our values which tells us how we should behave in a tough situation, how we should treat other people, how we should proceed for growth, how we should bear the failures, how we should manage our life, how we should make our rules and principles etc. Everything related to how we should ,is answered by our values.

But the values are strikingly different for different people, and this is what causes friction in society and probably gives birth to the concept of crime. A man having a poor value system may have little or no respect for others, he may think that his own survival is supreme,and that may be his little value. Based on this , he may tend to harm another person, when any tough situation comes, and he realise that he can help his own survival on the cost of others. Others don’t matter to him, his values don’t have space for others. However, in a similar situation someone else with a higher value system, or with a value like we  should love others like we love ourselves, may behave in a very constructive way, he will not harm someone else, even when it might help him, he will try to search alternatives which will not affect others.This may take him to bear some more pain, may take some more time to solve the problem, may affect him longer, but ultimately he will solve the problem with all others happy. These are what values does to society. A man with high morals and values is least probable to commit a crime as compared to someone who has no or degraded values and morals.

The value system is though a very sensitive zone, anyone with good words can actually breach the security of castles shielding one’s value system. And this is what the man in robes do. They develop a value system based on false beliefs and concepts in the name of god, and then people starts to follow these values, which can be right or can be wrong. And when they are wrong or vice, they give rise to suicide bombings, riots etc. Values should be precariously taught, this is a diligent work. And rather we should have a value of not making any value or moral  without any practical reasons and proofs.

So, here comes the idea of constitutional values and morals. It is far better that our constitution teaches us values and morals rather than men sitting in temples or mosques.Like the constitution says about duties and right, it should also teach people different values, how one should behave in success and in failures, how one should decide, how one should treat others, how should behave in peace and in war, how one should learn, how one should reason, how  one should respect etc. And this may be a dangerous idea for this idea will never be approved from so called holy men, or this idea could be  destructive if someone devilish may comes in power and change the constitution, but the implementation of this idea is an entirely different issue. But if every thing goes right, and we have good men making constitution, then may be this idea would facilitate our current education system, which is right now dead in terms of teaching morals and values , and is a perfect example of education without values is not education  but blinded training, producing largest number of educated illiterates in the world.

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